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Felipe Hernández Molina, APREFLOFAS


How would someone working for an environmental organization from Costa Rica describe the effects of ecotourism on nature and the communities? We searched the internet for various NGOs and educational institutions related to the topic and after a short time came across APREFLOFAS. APREFLOFAS stands for Asociación Preservacionista de Flora y Fauna Silvestre (Association for the preservation of Flora and Fauna) and is the oldest Costa Rican environmental organization, founded in 1985. Per own data its aim is to provide protection of the environment through research, direct action, political impact, education and the raisinof awareness in society for the well-being of humans and the conservation of nature.

We interviewed Vice-President of APREFLOFAS in San JoséFelipe Hernández Molina, who holds a degree in Sustainable Tourism Management. We cut out various parts of our discussion with him where he gives real-life examples of the effects of ecotourism in Costa Rica. He provided enourmous assistance and his insights on the topic helped us to support and deepen our research. We added his most important statements as additional information to various pages of the website. 

Alternatively, you can click on the Youtube-Icon right here to get to our YouTube Channel and see all of the interview clips.



Have fun listening to what he has to say!

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Yesenia López García, University of Tourism (San José)

Ms. Lopez Garcia is a professor of Tourism, ecology and sustainable development at the University of Tourism in San José, Costa Rica. She holds a Bachelor in Biology and environmental interpretation from the University of Costa Rica and a Masters degree in Sustainable development and with a concentration in formation and ecological emphasis. She is an expert in her field and despite the significance of ecotourism in Costa Rica, she gave an incredibly honest and thorough written interview regarding the topic. She was an enormous assistance through the course of our research and provided additional sources of information available for viewing. We have included statements from her interview throughout the webpage. To read the entire interview click on the pdf-icon right here. 

Ingrid Knudsen

We would also like to thank Mrs. Ingrid Knudsen who donated her collection of photographs for use on the webpage. She supplied us with images only a native Costa Rican could provide and helped bring further authenticity to the project.  All of her photographs used within the website have been credited to her and are her property.

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